Pests can appear in the least expected place and quickly spread through our homes in Toronto, Ontario. So homeowners need to be alert if they want to keep their homes clean of pests. One of the questions that Toronto homeowners ask most frequently is how often they need to schedule a pest control visit for their homes. The appearance of insects or mice at a home can be annoying, and the consequences for a business are even worse.
Mice, rats, spiders, ants, and centipedes are among the most common pests that Toronto homeowners face. However, there are other intruders that, although not as common, are just as dangerous and difficult to eradicate. The best way to avoid these problems is to carry out pest control measures regularly. There are several important advantages to getting pest control service done at your home three-four times a year. In this blog post, we will review some of the benefits of regular pest control visits. A regular pest control visit usually includes an indoor and outdoor component. There are also important seasonal variations. Each visit also includes an inspection and treatment component. Spring, Summer, and Fall pest control visits will focus on keeping the outdoor rodent and insect populations under control, while during the Winter pest control visit, the pest management professional will need to prioritize identifying new access points that are possibly developing as a result of pests trying to move inwards because of frost. Among the services that residential pest control programs include are exterior perimeter spraying, outdoor rodent bait station installation and maintenance, and interior contact insecticide applications that target crawling insects. It is also a good idea to carry out regular inspections in crawl spaces, attics, and other hidden cavities inside a building to ensure nascent pest problems are detected before they grow into a sizeable infestation. In the course of a regular pest maintenance inspection, the exterminator can alert the homeowner to some issues that are likely to invite a pest infestation. For example, if the occupants of a house are not storing food properly, they may be inviting many different types of food-infesting pests. The containers that we use to store flour or breadcrumbs must be perfectly closed to avoid attracting animals and insects. If we would like to save the food leftovers, we should store them in containers that can be sealed properly and refrigirated. If home occupants keep the premises clean of leftover food and ensure cracks and crevices are cleaned regularly, they will be able to make their homes less inviting to many different kinds of pests. A pest control professional can alert the homeowner to subtle mistakes that can prove costly in the long run. Other issues that pest management professionals will need to keep an eye on include the condition of the exterior walls, door and window frames, ventilation and plumbing outlets around the exterior perimeter of the building. Each home will have its own integrated pest management plan that will need to be enforced strictly throughout the scheduled regular visits. Professional pest control companies such as TSR follow advanced and elaborate protocols to achieve the best results. TSR technicians will carry out an initial inspection of the premises and collect all of the relevant data. The next step will involve analyzing the data and developing a list of chemical and non-chemical solutions. Chemical solutions usually include solid rodenticides inside tamper-resistant bait stations, liquid and dry contact insecticide formulations targeting crawling insects, and pesticide fog to target flying insects. Technicians will continue to update the database during each visit, which will allow them to ensure the treatment strategies remain effective in the face of an evolving pest situation. Regular pest control visits and professionally developed pest control plans offer improved home maintenance and healthier and cleaner living conditions. Contact TSR for help with keeping your Toronto-area home pest-free and healthy.
Have you discovered a mouse or a rat in your Aurora or Newmarket home? TSR Pest Control and Wildlife Removal are the leading rodent control professionals serving Ontario's York Region. Mice can live in human habitats, workplaces, warehouses, in short, almost everywhere. Mice and rats are creatures that can reproduce very quickly. If homeowners do not take timely action against the rodent population beginning to settle in their homes, a small infestation can turn into an invasion in a very short time.
TSR Pest Control focuses on getting rid of mice and rats quickly and keeping your home or business free of rodents as long as possible. TSR has developed long-lasting solutions to rodent infestations by combining physical and chemical control and prevention mechanisms. In addition to determining the areas where mice live and nest in the premises being treated, the rodent points of entry need to be identified. The professional team of exterminators have been trained in identifying the possible rodent access points and targetting rodents with technologically advanced treatment solutions. TSR Pest Control takes all precautions possible to minimize the impact of rodenticides on the environment and to ensure the health and safety of our customers, their children and pets. The products we use are all utilized in accordance with the local laws and regulations as well as the labels and technical data sheets supplied by the manufacturers. Our staff are trained and certified to ensure the responsible use of the industry's most potent rodent control products. By hiring TSR, you will make sure that your home or business is being treated by Canada's leading rodent control specialists. Different factors determine what an effective mouse and rat treatment requires. TSR's technicians will carry out a thorough inspection of your building and prepare a custom extermination and control plan based on the building's age, size, types of material used around the exterior perimeter, and the extent of the interior and exterior rodent infestation. Technicians will need to determine how long the rodents have been around and the likely size of the rodent population. If there is a need, they will deploy videographic and termographic inspection tools to determine the size of the mouse and rat colonies and their routes. Sometimes we see clues such as rat feces or hear a scurrying on the ceiling, but it is difficult to know if it is a single rodent or more. Our technicians are trained in collecting and analyzing the relevant data from the field to determine what a long-term solution to your rodent infestation will require. We are going to offer to you the best treatment plans against rats and mice. A successful mouse and rat treatment will almost always involve more than the traditional rodent traps. In most cases, specialized equipment and regulated substances will need to be used by certified technicians to identify and eradicate the source of the rodent infestation. With the first frost, uninvited guests begin to arrive at the homes of Aurora and Newmarket residents. Ontario residents are first alerted to the presence of rodents in their home when they hear scratching, pounding, rustling, or scurrying noises. In just a matter of weeks, noises will intensify and first sightings of rodents will likely happen. Many homeowners initially think that the problem will be easily solved by conventional methods such as glue pads and snap traps. Some will also scatter the toxic substance under their kitchen sinks and in other parts of their house, exposing children and non-target animals to risk. But we soon discover that rodents are harder to evict once they have entered a warm and cozy home. Soon the rats and mice begin to multiply exponentially and the infestation becomes harder to end. How can I get rid of mice or rats that have settled in my home? The easiest way to exterminate mice and rats is to hire an experienced pest control specialist. For years, TSR has been helping Newmarket and Aurora residents keep their homes free of pests such as mice and rats. Give us a call at 416-268-3408 for a free consultation. Do you live in Brampton, Mississauga or Caledon, Ontario and need help with pest control for mice and rats? TSR Pest Control and Wildlife Removal is here to help Peel region residents keep their homes clear of mice and rats.
Why should you avoid close contact with rodents? What should you do if you come across a mouse or a rat? Rodents can contaminate food in apartments and houses, especially stocks that are stored in secluded places such as pantries, cold rooms, cellars, etc. Also, mice and rats can damage electrical wiring, which can not only cause power outages but also lead to fires. Rodents will often gnaw holes in the walls, creating aesthetic problems. Rats can easily chew through walls, doors, windows, and furniture, causing considerable material damage. Mice and rats are ferocious eaters. Their sharp teeth can inflict heavy damage on everything from your food stocks to furniture, wires, and walls. Most importantly, rats and mice commonly carry various highly contagious diseases - plague, typhus, and others. To infect humans and pets, rodents need not bite or come into direct contact. There is a possibility of infection upon contact with objects that have been contaminated by the saliva, urine or hair from a mouse or a rat. In short, rodents pose a serious health risk and keeping a home rodent-free is crucial. Mice reproduce at an exponential rate, so if they are detected, homeowners need to take appropriate action immediately. Everyone tries to fight mice and rats in different ways. Some buy mousetraps, others resort to over-the-counter rodent poison sold by the local home improvement store, others rely on their cats to hunt down the rodents. Unfortunately, these methods are not as effective as we would like them to be. A mousetrap will kill one individual mouse, but not the colony. The poison available to the general public is not potent enough. Cats will not be able to keep up with the fantastic growth rate of the domestic rodent population. Also, rodents are generally quite good at avoiding cats. For more than twenty years, our exterminators have been helping local homeowners keep their homes and businesses rodent-free. The extermination of rats and mice is a demanding process that can only be effectively carried out by professionals. We will guide you throughout the process and help achieve a rodent-free environment. A successful mouse and rat treatment will involve two types of measures - rodent-proofing and prevention, as well as the extermination of the existing population. A preventive maintenance plan needs to be developed to minimize the chance of rodent entry and settlement at the premises being treated. Extermination, on the other hand, will focus on getting rid of the rodents that are already inside the building. Most extermination plans will involve the use of physical and chemical treatment strategies. Rodents can settle in any type of building. One can find a mouse or a rat in a warehouse, cafe, office, or a private home. To prevent the entry of rodents into your building, it is necessary to ensure the exterior perimeter of the building remains rodent-proof. The rodents that have already entered a building need to be exterminated using an effective rodent treatment plan that combines physical and chemical extermination before their population growth further. The sooner one tackles a rodent infestation, the greater is one's chance of bringing the infestation under control quickly. TSR Pest Control and Wildlife Removal is one of the most experienced companies operating in York Region. Our technicians specialize in both rodent extermination and rodent-proofing of buildings. Give us a call if you would like to identify entry-points or respond to an on-going mouse or rat infestation at your home or business. |
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