The Indian Meal Moths are 13-20 mm long. These moths have bi-colour wings (usually pale gray and copper or reddish brown). Caterpillars are white to pink in colour and have brown heads. Females usually produce around 300 eggs during three weeks. And the egg-to-larva stage takes around two days. These larva go on to become adults in two weeks to ten months depending on the environment. Most moths have a life span of about 8 weeks. The larva usually provides a silk web for hiding. This moth type is usually active at night. They feed on grains and processed foods. Clothes Moth The adult clothing moth are about 0.8 cm long. The larva measure slightly longer. Their wings are pale yellow-brown, and their heads are covered with reddish hair. The larva have white bodies and darker heads. Clothes moth are half the size of the Indian Meal Moths. Larva turns into an adult in 5 weeks to 1 year depending on the environment. The Clothing Moth have an adult life span of up to one month. The female moth on average lay 40-50 eggs in their life span, usually within the first week of exiting the larva stage. The moth are considered a serious pest problem at the larva stage, when they feed on woolen clothing items and rugs. They usually live in dark closets and avoid light. |